Born To Be Wild – Biodiversity through Nordic lenses

Photo exhibition in Kunming wants its visitors to rediscover the beauty of biodiversity
Born To Be Wild – Biodiversity through Nordic lenses, Showing 11.10.21 – 01.11.21, TCG Nordica, Kunming
Delegates to the UN Biodiversity Summit Conference (COP15) and local visitors in Kunming are invited to remember what biodiversity is all about when TCG Nordica International Art Centre opens its doors to the photo exhibition ‘Born to Be Wild – Biodiversity through Nordic lenses’, featuring an exhibition on the wonders of nature and wild life.
Visitors are invited to take a stroll down the pristine arctic coast of Norway, to view the beauty of flora in the Nordics, and zoom in on facial expressions of primates from all over the world seeing them as individuals with personalities, minds and feelings not that different from ourselves.
‘Born to Be Wild’ features the three multi-award winning Nordic wild life photographers, Audun Rikardson (Norway), Staffan Wildstrand (Sweden), and Mogens Trolle (Denmark) as well as famous Chinese wild life photographer Xi Zhihong.
The launch of the photo exhibition coincides with the opening of COP15 in Kunming, where government institutions from all over the world will come together – virtually and physically – to take actions to restore the health and the integrity of biodiversity and the global ecosystem.
The Scandinavian ambassadors to China Ms. Signe Brudeset (Norway), Ms. Helena Sångeland (Sweden), and Mr. Thomas Østrup Møller (Denmark) present in Kunming to take part in COP15, will give the opening remarks at the exhibition. The Nordic countries are all working actively to reverse biodiversity loss and have initiative a ministerial declaration on biodiversity, oceans and climate that is of Nordic importance ahead of the Summit Conference in Kunming.
The exhibition is a joint effort by TCG Nordica, Danish Cultural Centre in China, The Norwegian Embassy, Embassy of Sweden, and Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Beijing.
About the photographers:
Audun Rikardsen (Norway), Full time Professor in freshwater and marine biology at the Universiy of Tromsø. Scientific Advisor at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Multi-award winning wildlife photographer since 2012 specializing in Nordic animals such as whales (underwater) and eagles.
Staffan Widstrand (Sweden), Multi-award winning wildlife photographer and author of several animal photo books and articles in i.a. National Geographic. An active voice in the public debate on nature conservation and rewilding. Steffan Wildstrand is one of the founders of the ‘Wild Wonders of China’ photo project.
Mogens Trolle (Denmark) Prize-winning wildlife photographer, zoologist, mammal researcher and author. He has worked with wildlife for over 25 years and on all seven continents. He specialises in animal portraits, and for the past five years he has specialized in primates. Mogens Trolle has been on several photo expeditions to China and has published several animal books.